Dienstag, 7. August 2012

Digital Comics

After I did a regular introduction post on my love for comics I wanna talk about „Digital Comics“ this time.
The first time I discovered Digital Comics was through Marvel’s „Avengers vs. X-Men“. When it said on Issue #0 „Free Digital Code“ I got curious and downloaded the App.
But it’s not like you enter the code in the App and there you go. Luckily every code comes with instruction and thanks to the Marvel.com you can download your “Digital Copies” to every device that you have connected with it.
I really love using it for my iPad. It is just so nice to be like on a trip and have your favorite digital comics with you so you can read them. I most of the time read them on my long overseas flights from Germany to the US.
Another good thing  is that you don’t need any internet connection once you have downloaded your Digital Comics to the App to read them.

There is also one thing that I dislike the “Digital Codes” that come with the Marvel Comics. It is the price. Comics that include the Digital Code cost $3.99 when the Comics without the Digital Code just cost $2.99. Still it is better than paying another $2.99 on the App to get a Digital Copy of the comic you just purchased.
Marvel also has SALES on Digital Comics every now and then. The issues are as low as $0.99 and sometimes you get lucky and get a short series for under $5.00. Plus you also get FREE Digital comics from time to time, which gives you the chance to discover old series that you haven’t collected yet and that you then might wanna add to your regular comic collection.

Since “Avengers vs. X-Men” came out my count on Digital Comics climbed from 0 to 62 and I haven’t even claimed all the codes I have.

So to be honest getting comics with “Digital Codes” has more pros than cons. I just wish that DC Comics would to the same as Marvel. It would definitely be a huge step for them.

What do you guys think? Do you like to get your Comics with Digital Codes or is it that you don’t care about them?

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